Friday, July 25, 2008

The Scores...

Walker-2 Sarah-0
Haven't we seen this before? Let me think...Ahh! Yes!

I believe it was when Walker was eight months old! Now I understand why sometimes I can't get him to listen....He has so many Q-tips shoved into his ears!


marcie said...

Hi Sarah!
Didn't know you had a blog until today from facebook. You have a cute family! Congrats on your little one on the way! You'll be getting an email invite from Blogger for our blog so head on over! It's

Lyndsie Miles said...

Wow! That's a LOT of q-tips!

Mary said...

I couldnt post on the grammer one so I will post here. Walker will have all the right words by the time he starts kidergarten! Yeah for moms! I see me turning into my mother too!~ Kind of scary huh!!!

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