Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The past couple of weeks Walker had started to use the word 'stupid'. I think he picked it up from neighborhood kids or other friends. I have told him this is a naughty word and he should use nice words instead. He gets time outs for using the word and has even told Jason that HE needs a time out for saying 'stupid'! Last Sunday, Jason forgot he has a hole in the pocket of his Sunday slacks and was dropping change left and right while getting out of the car. "I hate this stupid hole!"
"Daddy! Don't say 'dat word. 'Das a naughty word!"

(Twice, Jason did this! (hillarious))

So today while we were driving through traffic, I kept hearing Walker mumble to himself. Then he asked me if I heard what he said. Obviously not, so I asked.
"Walker, what did you say?"
"Mama, I said, "Rrr. Drive!.... Some People!" 'Das what I said."

So apparently I have a road rage problem. But I think I'm OK as long as I don't say, "Stupid Drivers!"

1 comment:

Jaimee said...

Too funny! I've realized I have an issue with that too! It's amazing how well kids pay attention when you don't think they are. :o)

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