Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's Me or the Xbox!!!

My schedule last night:
8pm-kids are in bed
9pm-dishes are done, things are picked up. Go visit with friends before Jason's 'xbox' night begins.
10pm-read my book. It's taking me a little longer to get into it than I like.
10:01pm-It seems like it was only a minute that I could keep my eyes open.
About 3am-Roll over in bed. Jason is not there. Hmm...
5am-I'm not sure on the exact time, but it was light outside when I heard Jason coming into our room to go to bed. I can't believe this guy! We have church at 8:30 and YOU decide to stay up until the wee hours of morning?! Playing XBOX?!
7am-get up and get ready for church
8am-tell Jason it's time to get up
8:01am-"Jason. It's time to go."

As you can see, I totally thought Jason stayed up playing xbox. Hey! It's happened before...

Here's what really happened:
10pm- I go to bed while Jason stays up with some friends playing xbox.
12am- Jason's friends leave and he comes to bed.
2:30-Walker comes in, wakes Jason up and asks him for water. Jason gets up and stays up with Walker until he falls asleep. Falls asleep himself.
5am-Jason comes back into our bed.
8am- He wakes up to me being cranky at him for "playing xbox" all night.

We both got a pretty good laugh out of this one.


Teri's Life said...

That's a good one!

Unknown said...

wait just a minute here.......You told me I WASN'T cranky this afternoon.......
(Oh I get it, you have to embellish a little bit)

Unknown said...

nevermind - just reread the post - YOU were cranky....well that was true.

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! I would have thought the same thing:)

Anonymous said...

LOL. p.s. Hi. =)

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